Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I wish I felt it more often. My sense is that I let my emotions cloud this thing I have been given, and though it's ever-present, I rarely reach out and grab hold of it.

Today, though. It is HERE.

Today I have the joy of the Lord.

How did I manage to grab hold of it today, you ask?

Well...I don't think I was aware of it necessarily, but this morning--first thing--I sought the Lord.

I asked for His help while I was still lying in bed.

I gave him my day as I walked the dog. I asked Him to help me not waste the time He has given me. I told him I wanted to walk with Jesus today.

I listened to worship music while I purposefully tidied the yard, planted some flowers, read through emails and chatted with my sissy on the phone.

I spent less time (although not none) mindlessly surfing the web. I stopped, closed my eyes and sang out to Him when a song moved me to.

And you know what? It's here. That peace that passes understanding. That joy that is not circumstance-dependent. That presence of the Helper.

My very human tendency is to now beat myself up over not reaching out and grabbing more and more often. Instead, though, I will close my eyes and thank Him for what I have right. now.

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:11.

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